Statistics on COVID-19

Statistics on the corona pandemic and how it has evolved over time.

Summary statistics on COVID-19 in Sweden can be found here. As of 1 April 2022, COVID-19 is no longer classified as a public health emergency in Sweden.


Coronavirus pandemic in figures

The statistics relate to COVID-19 and the coronavirus pandemic in Sweden.

March 2020 – March 2022

COVID-19 patients hospitalised


March 2020 – March 2022

COVID-19 patients admitted to ICU


March 2020 – March 2022

COVID-19 deaths



The reporting here is both in number and in relation to the population (per 100,000). The measure in relation to the population can be used, for example, for comparisons between countries or regions with different population sizes.

Regards the pandemic period in Sweden from 1 March 2020 to 31 March 2022.

The statistics are based on information received by the National Board of Health and Welfare as of 17 August 2022.


  • 96,522 patients with COVID-19 were hospitalised. This corresponds to 965 patients per 100,000 of the population.
  • 53,709 men and 42,813 women were hospitalised with COVID-19. Primarily from the age groups ranging from 50 to 89 years.
  • 8,371 patients with COVID-19 were admitted to ICU. This corresponds to 83.7 patients per 100,000 of the population.
  • 8,221 patients were diagnosed with post COVID-19 condition, also known as long COVID. Of these, 4,359 were women and 3,862 were men.


  • There were 16,645 COVID-19 deaths. This corresponds to 159.8 people per 100,000 of the population.
  • 9,252 men and 7,379 women died from COVID-19.
  • In particular, age groups from 70 years and over were the most affected by deaths from COVID-19 – 14,703 people aged 70 or over, compared to 1,928 people under the age of 70.
  • Elderly people living in residential care facilities and receiving in-home care services were particularly affected. 6,629 people living in residential care facilities and 4,391 people receiving in-home care services died from COVID-19. This represents 72 percent of all people aged 70 or over who died from COVID-19.
  • In relation to the population size and age standardisation, Stockholm, Gävleborg and Västernorrland were the counties hardest hit in terms of COVID-19 deaths.
  • High blood pressure and cardiovascular disease were common among those who died from COVID-19 – 78 percent and 49.2 percent, respectively. Diabetes and lung disease were also present in some of those who died – 28 percent and 15.1 percent, respectively.

Infected elderly 70+

  • 152,613 people aged 70 and over were confirmed infected with COVID-19.
  • 34,768 people in residential care facilities were confirmed infected by COVID-19. This corresponds to 22.8 percent of all people aged 70 and over.
  • 28,049 people receiving in-home care services were confirmed infected by COVID-19. This corresponds to 18.4 percent of all people aged 70 and over.

Facts about the statistics

For the most part, the National Board of Health and Welfare's statistics are based on register data. The statistics on COVID-19 are based on the National Board of Health and Welfare’s patient register, cause of death register, prescribed drug register, register of interventions under the Social Services Act for the elderly and persons with disabilities, voluntary inpatient reporting to the National Board of Health and Welfare by the regions, the Public Health Agency of Sweden’s SmiNet database, and the Swedish intensive care register.

The statistics on deaths include those who died of COVID-19, but not those who died of other disease while also having COVID-19. In other words, COVID-19 must have been the underlying cause of death in order to be included.

Statistics on COVID-19 deaths from the National Board of Health and Welfare and the Public Health Agency of Sweden differ slightly, as the statistics are based on different data sources. More information on the differences in the data sheets is available in the fact sheets.

Post COVID-19 condition

The statistics for post COVID-19 condition include patients from inpatient or specialised outpatient care who have been diagnosed with post COVID-19 condition, have post COVID-19 condition in their medical history, or have multisystemic inflammatory condition associated with COVID-19. More than one episode of care may occur for each unique patient.

Data files

A file of COVID-19 data in Excel format is available here. The file also contains information on population, method, source and definitions. The data is broken down by e.g. gender, age groups and regions.

There are additional data files on COVID-19, but they are only available in Swedish. These contain:

  • Statistics on patients hospitalised with COVID-19
  • Statistics on duration of hospitalisation for patients with COVID-19

Fact sheets and articles

Nation-wide study of covid-19 care in Swedish hospitals Written by the National Board of Health and Welfare, published at, 10 July 2020


Register Service of the National Board of Health and Welfare
Last updated: