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The National Board of Health and Welfare publishes statistics in the areas of health and medical care and social services. Here you will find information about our statistical database and how to apply for aggregated statistics and individual-based data for research purposes.

The information in our registers is imposed with absolute secrecy. However, we may disclose data from our registers for research purposes by means of an exception in the Public Access to Information and Secrecy Act or alternatively provide data in the form of anonymous aggregated statistics.

Search for statistical factsheets

We publish statistical factsheets in English on all the topics where we have official statistics. You can use the search service on the publication page to find and download specific factsheets.

At the bottom of this page you will find the latest publications for the different statistical areas.


Statistics are compilations of data, such as tables, where the information can’t be attributed to any one individual. A lot of statistics is available directly on our statistics pages or in our statistical database. It is also possible to order statistics directly from us. Such an order generally takes 4–6 weeks. Our fee is SEK 1 225 (excl. VAT) per hour. The fee includes administration, legal consultation and data withdrawal. If the invoicing information is incorrect or incomplete, there may be an additional cost of SEK 600.

Official Statistics of Sweden

Sweden’s Official Statistics (SOS) are statistics that are particularly important for describing Sweden. Official statistics contribute to the development of our society by being objective and relevant, which benefits citizens.

The National Board of Health and Welfare has been tasked by the Government to be responsible for the official statistics within the areas of Health and medical care and Social services. As a government agency responsible for statistics, we are responsible for ensuring that

  • the statistics are objective;
  • the statistics are documented; and
  • the statistics are accompanied by a quality declaration.

Official statistics must be kept publicly available free of charge on the internet. All official statistics must bear the text Sweden’s official statistics and/or carry the logo.


The logo and the text Sweden’s official statistics may not be used in further processing of the official statistics.

Government agency network

There are about thirty government agencies in Sweden who are responsible for the official statistics. Statistics Sweden is responsible for coordinating and supporting the system for official statistics.

To read more about what constitutes official statistics and which government agencies form part of the network, visit Statistics Sweden’s website

The statistical database

Our statistical database in English includes statistics on abortions, acute myocardial infarctions (AMI), cancer, causes of death, health care practitioners, in-patient care diagnoses and pharmaceuticals. Statistics are presented by year, gender, age and geographical area. The statistical database is intended primarily for researchers and statisticians.

Individual-based data for research purposes

Register data is protected by strict confidentiality but can be made available for research after a special review. Applications for individual-based data for research purposes generally take 2–4 months to process and we charge SEK 1 225 (excl. VAT) per hour for the time spent on submitted applications. The fee includes administration, legal consultation and data withdrawal.

The National Board of Health and Welfare is a government agency under the Ministry of Health and Social Affairs. It is not our policy to provide individual level data to researchers abroad. Instead, we normally advice researchers in other countries to cooperate with Swedish colleagues, to whom we can provide data according to standard legal provisions and procedures.

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