Doctors' specialist medical training

Here you will find information about Swedish regulations applicable to the further training of licensed doctors in order to achieve specialist competence.

If you began your specialist medical training before May 1st, 2015, and finish it before April 30th, 2022, SOSFS 2008:17 is applicable.

At the bottom of this page is an English translation of SOSFS 2008:17 regulations and general advice for doctors' specialist medical training from The National Board of Health and Welfare's code of statutes.

If you began your specialist medical training after May 1st, 2015, it is the new regulations in SOSFS 2015:8 that are applicable. We do not provide a translation of these.

The Swedish Medical Association has translated some of the learning objectives and specialist skills descriptions corresponding to SOSFS 2015:8.

NB: The original, printed Swedish texts are the legally binding documents.

You can learn more about obtaining a licence to practise in Sweden when trained abroad, on our website for licences:

Doctors’ specialist medical training – Regulations and general guidelines Descriptions of objectives 2008

Apply for licence to practise, proof of specialist competence and other authorisations

At this web site you will find information on how to apply for a license to practise, proof of specialist competence or other authorisations. For employers, there is information on the regulations that apply when hiring personnel to perform health and medical services.
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