Emergency preparedness

The emergency preparedness work at the National Board of Health and Welfare is a part of the national system of emergency management in Sweden. The Board is responsible for strengthening preparedness in the health system and the social services in order for them to be able to respond to adverse events and to contribute to reducing the consequences of adverse events.

The Board also coordinates and monitors planning of civil preparedness in the health system and the social services. In the event of an emergency, the Board must inform the Government Offices and the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (Myndigheten för samhällsskydd och beredskap, MSB).

Expertise in disaster medicine and emergency preparedness

The National Board of Health and Welfare has the responsibility for development and maintenance of expertise and to disseminate knowledge about disaster medicine and emergency preparedness in order to provide the Swedish health system and social services with assistance in times of emergency and disaster management. The Government has commissioned the Board to coordinate and prepare for availability of drugs and medical supplies as needed in a state of reinforced alert.

The National Board of Health and Welfare is mandated to lead and coordinate the disaster medicine response efforts in close collaboration with other relevant stakeholders in such situations when Swedish regions deliver health and medical care outside of Sweden.

