Contact us

Our headquarters are situated in central Stockholm.

Management of the Board and Departments

Postal address: Socialstyrelsen, SE-106 30 Stockholm, Sweden
Visits: Rålambsvägen 3, Stockholm
Phone: +46 (0)75 247 30 00
Fax: +46 (0)75 247 32 52

Department for Authorisations and Government grants

The Department for Authorisations and Government grants has the same postal adress, phone number, faxnumber and e-mail as above.

Visits: Gjörwellsgatan 30, Stockholm


Our press officers provide journalists with assistance, including finding information on the National Board of Health and Welfare and our work, finding the right person to interview or talk to or help with arranging interviews with the Director-General or the Deputy Director-General.

Phone: +46 (0)75 247 30 05

Opening hours

Weekdays 08.00–16.30

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